WordPress 6.1.1: Custom CSS Editor Not Showing

  • Post author:
  • Post published:September 23, 2022

Last updated on July 19th, 2024.

I was going to do some tweaks to the CSS of my website. As usual, I clicked on Appearances > Customize. But instead of seeing the menu, I saw a plain grey screen. The Customize menu was hidden.

screenshot of deactivated css editor on wordpress

Does the same happen to you? Here’s a quick fix to that. (Kudos to the WordPress Community: WordPress – Austausch, Tipps und Hilfe which led me to the solution)

  1. Back-up your website.
  2. Login to your hosting control panel (in my case it is Plesk)
  3. Click on File
plesk hosting panel

4. Access your wp-config.php file
5. Search for this line of code

define('DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT', true);

6. Change ‘true’ to ‘false’:

7. Save

In case you can’t find the above code snipped. Insert a new line with the code.

define('DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT', false);

Hope that helped!

Corina Burri

Corina is a SEO professional from Zürich. Since 2016 she's in SEO and has contributed to publications such as SEOFOMO, Tech SEO Tips, or iPullRank. When not grinding, she enjoys exploring Switzerland.

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